Sunday, March 6, 2011

Constructing a street photograph

As the street photographer is dedicated to a fast and easy motion, he will benefit by eliminating any extra equipment.

And so in order to overcome, for example, the absence of the extra lenses, the gadget-free street photographer will gracefully move around to find the desired distance from the subject. And no doubt she will never be afraid of tilting the camera, climbing up or even getting closer to the ground.

You can care about the photograph's construction or not.

Many people believe it is necessary to study arts and design in order to come up with a satisfactorily constructed picture.
But since [street] photography is a tool for both documenting and self expression, the design and layout of a photograph is inferior in importance.
It means the composition of a photograph should be spontaneous to the scene and employed by the photographer's visualization and not by an intended use of a set of rules for correct design
Not that a basic understanding of composition and design could hurt anyone, but don't let that bother you too much and definitely don't let it be the main motivation when making your choices.

And just in case you still believe learning design and composition is important, here is something for you to think about:
The sad truth is that when I capture a photo I am completely ignorant of its aesthetic characteristics and in actuality I cannot recognize any of the artistic qualities unless someone points them out for me.

So you might think this fact is a supporter of the argument some people are simply born with what people often call "a good eye" and in essence they are talented from birth.
But maybe people are not really born Gifted, but instead they are just good at unconsciously absorbing the aesthetics of design throughout their lives (by a daily exposure to communication, media and arts).
In any case, may the fact be people are born talented or not, I do believe one can learn how to see, though, unlike most people, I don't think the answer will be found in books nor in a classroom.
Indeed the solution is simpler than it seems:
Being out there and taking lots of pictures.
The recipe for greatness in every area of our life is 'doing again' and photography is no different.

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